Good Buzz

BBQ Festival LogoThird Annual Festival On The Neuse Home Brew Competition!

Home Brewers rejoice!  We're excited to announce the third annual Festival On The Neuse Home Brew Competition!  We began holding this competition in conjunction with Kinston's annual BBQ Festival On The Neuse, and it's grown in size and awesomeness each year!  As in years past, the top selection from the competition will be awarded Best In Show, which will give you the opportunity to brew YOUR beer on our brewing system with Brewmaster Josh Brewer, and have it showcased at the festival for over 25,000 thirsty festival goers!  Winn

Home Brew

ers will also be identified in each submission category and awarded a $100.00 Visa gift card!

Interested in entering your beers into the competition?  Registration is open now, and will be open until Monday, February 22nd, with beer submissions due by March 18th, 2016, so get your beers registered today!  Make sure you read the official rules of the competition, which will provide all of the necessary information regarding submission categories and other required information.  Happy Brewing!